The preliminary plan for the renewal and restoration of our Main Church has been approved by the Archbishop and seen by the Pastoral Council, and we are working with an architect and people in construction. Read the full details!
Visit the Lands' End online store for our parish; it's your one-stop shop for high-quality apparel that you can customize with the new Sacred Heart logo!
If you missed Fr. Brendan's presentation on what Pope Francis is asking the Church to do with the new Synod on Synodality and how we can best understand the Synod in light of the Church's history and tradition, you can watch the video.
The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, January 17 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Mass will be at 9:00 AM only, with no evening Mass at 7:00 PM.
The Christmas season ends on January 9. Help is needed to put away our church Christmas decorations! Volunteers are welcome to join us on Sunday, January 9 after the 4PM Spanish Mass or Monday, January 10 after the 9AM Mass.
The Respect Life Committee invites you to share Christ's love with the residents of FutureCare Cherrywood Nursing Home by making "God Loves You" cards for them! Please drop off your cards at the Parish Center by Friday, January 21.
Until the Baltimore County mask mandate is lifted after January 31, 2022, we have cancelled all in-person meetings and activities at Sacred Heart except for Masses and Sacraments. If a group meeting is necessary, it will be held via Zoom.
Our Respect Life Committee will lead the Holy Hour for Life on 1/07, Rosary Walk on 1/08, a planning meeting on 1/18, the March for Life in D.C. on 1/21, a prayerful sing-along on 1/28, card collection for the nursing home, and more!
We thank those who contributed to our beautiful arrangements of Christmas flowers and decorations this year in honor or memory of their loved ones! The names of those honored and those contributing can be viewed by clicking here.
The Parish Office will be closed on Friday, December 31 in observance of the New Year's holiday. The office will reopen on Monday, January 3, 2022 at 8:30 AM. Happy New Year!
January 1 is the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. It is not a holy day of obligation this year. Vigil Mass will be on Friday, December 31 at 5:30 PM in the Main Church. There is NO 8:00 AM Mass on Saturday, January 1.
We are adding a special off-campus 4:00 PM Mass at Gerstell Academy in Finksburg to alleviate parking concerns featuring a pre-Mass children's pageant and contemporary music. View our full schedule for Masses at Christmas!
Our old ParishSoft electronic giving system will no longer be active after January 1, so if you haven't made the switch to Faith Direct, Sacred Heart will no longer receive donations from you. Thanks for making sure your donations stay current!
The Parish Office will be closed on Friday, December 24 and Monday, December 27 in observance of the Christmas holiday. The office will reopen on Tuesday, December 28 at 8:30 AM.
Calling all shepherds, angels, donkeys, innkeepers and more! We will have a short children's Christmas pageant prior to the Sacred Heart 4PM Mass on Christmas Eve (Friday, December 24) at Gerstell Academy. Sign up to participate!
Volunteers are needed to help us decorate the Main Church for Christmas on Thursday, December 23 from 9:30 AM - 12:00 noon. All are welcome to join us!
Volunteers will collect your casseroles and/or dry goods donations for the Our Daily Bread outreach to the hungry in Baltimore on Tuesday, December 21 from 7-9PM and Wednesday, Dec. 22 from 7:30-9AM at the rear kitchen entrance.
Flowers and decorations enhance our liturgical worship at Christmas and are a wonderful way to remember our loved ones, living and deceased. Flower memorials can be done online, or envelopes are available at the Welcome Desk.
The 2022 Parish Calendars are IN, and Little Church Christmas Ornaments are available for $10; they make great stocking stuffers. Please stop by the Welcome Desk after Mass if you would like to pick up either of these special items!