No Parking Zones have been painted on the curbs on the school side. One of the issues that arose during my Listening Sessions in the fall was the safety and security of our people, our buildings, and concern for disabled parishioners. Frequently cars would park along the curb on the school side, effectively blocking any emergency equipment (ambulances, fire trucks, police) that might need to get through. Additionally, some people would park directly in front of the ramps which people use for their walkers and wheelchairs or simply to avoid stepping up onto the curb. We took immediate action to try to correct this — but, because of COVID delays, we have just now marked off the
No Parking Zones. Please honor them! We will give people a few weeks to become accustomed to the new
No Parking Zones, but then we will strictly enforce it. Think of your fellow parishioners, and please be considerate.
— Fr. Jerry