November 14/15 is Commitment Weekend for the “Our Path Forward” stewardship initiative! On this weekend, we ask that each parish household submit a sacrificial commitment to the ministry and mission of Sacred Heart Parish. You can also make your commitment online or click here to set up your online commitment.
I would also like for you to reflect on “How will you purposefully engage and support your parish community?” You can click here to submit your responses online at, where you can also read the comments from parishioners across our Archdiocese and watch an inspirational video. I look forward to reading your responses!
Universally as Catholics in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, we are called by God to be a welcoming, worshipping community of faith, hope, and love. As missionary disciples, our mission is to be a light brightly visible: to evangelize, to celebrate our faith, to be of service to others, to educate, and to be faithful stewards.
I encourage each one of us to look beyond the physical gifts we make and see how our generosity is allowing us to fulfill our mission — ultimately transforming and impacting our community and those around us in ways we may never see. Our primary aim of this annual focus on offertory and stewardship is not solely to finance our parish’s operating budget, but to change lives. We do that here at Sacred Heart Parish!
I know that some may not be able to increase their commitment to our parish right now. You are in our prayers! This message does not apply to anyone who has obligations that far outweigh their capacity. Please let us know that you support Sacred Heart and are committed to helping us carry out our mission in any other way that you can.
As we navigate the new guidelines for safely processing offertory contributions, I ask you to please consider online giving if you are able. It is a safe and convenient way to give. For those who already give online, thank you for contributing regularly and for helping us to reduce the amount of paper we process.
On behalf of the parish staff, thank you for your generosity and for helping us pave Our Path Forward. I am very grateful for the impact of our combined sacrifices and how they facilitate our mission into action. Please join me in praying for the continued success of our parish community!