Our parish campus will re-open for meetings, activities, and events on Tuesday, February 1. We continue to follow the Baltimore County mask mandate and new protocols from the Archdiocese of Baltimore — masks are required at all Masses.
Pope Francis wants to hear from YOU along with Catholics worldwide! Mark your calendars for listening sessions on January 30 (español) and February 6 (English) and make your voice heard for the future of our global Church.
Our Respect Life Committee will be at the MD March for Life in Annapolis on 2/03 and lead the Holy Hour for Life on 2/04, Rosary Walk on 2/05, the prayerful sing-along on 2/25, a Valentine card collection for the nursing home, and more!
Do you want to better understand your faith? Join Fr. Brendan on Saturday mornings for a weekly series that will lead us to a deeper understanding of the workings of the 2nd Vatican Council. We begin on February 5; sign up online!
In an effort to conserve resources during this time, we will not automatically send out tax statements. You can request a statement of your 2021 tax-deductible donations to Sacred Heart (sent to you by email or mail) by clicking here.
The Respect Life Committee encourages you to be a voice for the vulnerable by participating in the Maryland March for Life in Annapolis on Thursday, February 3. Join the family-friendly, peaceful, prayerful witness in Annapolis!
Our new study, "The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ", begins February 3 on Thursday mornings. Discover the beauty, meaning, and purpose of the Bible as seen through the eyes of the Catholic Church!
Join Sacred Heart School from January 30 - February 5 as we celebrate our Catholic School and a future filled with hope! We will celebrate the kick-off of Catholic Schools Week 2022 at all Masses on January 30. Click to learn more.
The Respect Life Committee invites you to share Christ's love with the residents of FutureCare Cherrywood Nursing Home by making St. Valentine's Day cards for them! Please drop off your cards at the Parish Center by Thursday, February 10.
Based on the latest Baltimore County mandate and guidelines from the archdiocese, masks are required at all Masses and activities in the buildings on our campus until January 31, 2022 (for everyone 5 years of age and older).
Sacred Heart Parish has all-day Eucharistic Adoration on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays in the Little Church during the "Year of the Eucharist". Adorers are needed; all are welcome to come and adore with us!
We need your voice during the upcoming General Assembly session! Sign up for the Catholic Advocacy Network and join Catholics from across Maryland in advocating for vulnerable Marylanders and our schools, churches, and ministries.
Pray to protect human life from January 19-27. Download the novena or sign up to receive the daily prayers via email or text message. Each day's intention has a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life.
Unless otherwise announced: If Baltimore County (or the Hereford Zone) schools are closed, Masses and parish activities will be cancelled — regardless of the time or improving weather conditions. If schools have weather-related delays, we will continue with Masses and activities as scheduled.
In his 2015 encyclical Laudato Si', Pope Francis invited all to come together in dialogue about the future of our planet. In the same spirit, we invite you to join us and learn more about an exciting new ministry being formed at our parish!
We will host an American Red Cross blood drive on Saturday, January 22 in the West Room from 7:45 AM - 1:15 PM. There is a dangerously low blood supply. Consider giving the gift of life; schedule your blood donation today!
Thanks to the generosity of a fellow parishioner, Sacred Heart again can offer a free subscription to FORMED — the Catholic platform with on-demand movies, programs, audio, and books! Click for full details and to sign up for access.
Join us in the the Mother Seton Room for coffee and donuts on Sunday mornings after the 7:30 AM and 9:30 AM Masses! There is no charge; freewill offerings are gratefully accepted. (There is NO Café in January 2022; we re-open in February!)
The Respect Life Committee invites you to participate in the 49th Annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. on Friday, January 21, 2022. Sacred Heart Church is once again sponsoring a bus to the march; call to reserve your spot on the bus!