The Parish Office will be
closed on
Monday, September 6 in observance of the Labor Day holiday. Mass will be at 9:00 AM only, with
no Mass at 7:00 PM.
"At the dawn of creation, God made man the steward of his handiwork and charged him to cultivate and protect it. Human labor is part of that creation and continues God’s creative work. This truth leads us to consider work as both a gift and a duty. Indeed, labor is not a mere commodity but has its own inherent dignity and worth." — Pope Francis, May 2014
Prayer for Labor Day
On this weekend, when we rest from our usual labors, loving Father, we pray for all who shoulder the tasks of human labor — in the marketplace, in factories and offices, in the professions, and in family living. We thank you, Lord, for the gift and opportunity of work; may our efforts always be pure of heart, for the good of others and the glory of your name. We lift up to you all who long for just employment and those who work to defend the rights and needs of workers everywhere. May those of us who are retired always remember that we still make a valuable contribution to our Church and our world by our prayers and deeds of charity. May our working and resting give praise to you until the day we share together in eternal rest with all our departed in your Kingdom as you live and reign Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.