Since 1989, Sacred Heart has been using a shield as our parish and school logo. I believe it began as a tie-in with the Bicentennial of the Archdiocese and became an option due to its red, white, and blue colors. In fact, minus the mitre, (the Bishop’s hat), it actually
is the shield of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Every diocese or archdiocese has a bishop’s shield.
Images stand for something. We associate organizations with their logos. It is a quick method for identification by the public and helps create a brand. As a parish community, we want to do the same by linking our logo to more of who we are ― a diverse and vibrant community of disciples.
We are excited to announce that on
July 1st, we will implement a
new parish logo that captures just that feeling! Our parish staff has spent the past few months researching ideas and designs ― looking for something simple yet unique to our Sacred Heart community. In the end, our own church architecture gave us the inspiration we needed.
Celebrate with us as we begin a new chapter for Sacred Heart and look to our future!