Our parish campus will re-open for meetings, activities, and events on Tuesday, February 1. We continue to follow the Baltimore County mask mandate and new protocols from the Archdiocese of Baltimore — masks are required at all Masses.
Pope Francis wants to hear from YOU along with Catholics worldwide! Mark your calendars for listening sessions on January 30 (español) and February 6 (English) and make your voice heard for the future of our global Church.
Do you want to better understand your faith? Join Fr. Brendan on Saturday mornings for a weekly series that will lead us to a deeper understanding of the workings of the 2nd Vatican Council. We begin on February 5; sign up online!
Our new study, "The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ", begins February 3 on Thursday mornings. Discover the beauty, meaning, and purpose of the Bible as seen through the eyes of the Catholic Church!
If you missed Fr. Brendan's presentation on what Pope Francis is asking the Church to do with the new Synod on Synodality and how we can best understand the Synod in light of the Church's history and tradition, you can watch the video.
Until the Baltimore County mask mandate is lifted after January 31, 2022, we have cancelled all in-person meetings and activities at Sacred Heart except for Masses and Sacraments. If a group meeting is necessary, it will be held via Zoom.
Wednesday, December 8 is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary — a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM in the Main Church.
We received a visit from reporter Mark Irons and cameraman Bruce Liffiton of EWTN who interviewed Fr. Jerry, staff and parishioners about the synod. The EWTN broadcast was on November 5, and it is available for viewing online.
The wearing of masks is not mandated at Mass; we continue to have a "COVID Cautious" Section in the Main Church where masks must be worn. Masks are required for those participating in meetings and events in our school building.
Who can you invite to enter into the life of the Church? Registration is now open for 2021-2022 RCIA instruction and preparation. Join us this year and enter more deeply into the mysteries of Christ.
We thank Michele for the excellent work she has done at Sacred Heart over the years: first as a volunteer, and then as a staff member, with people who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Christ and the Church.
Join us for our Lenten speaker series in the Main Church. Guest speakers give presentations each Monday of Lent following the 7PM Mass, and Eucharistic Adoration is offered afterwards until 9PM.
Archbishop Lori has issued an updated pastoral letter on evangelization, "A Light Brightly Visible 2.0". He asks us to read this letter prayerfully and reflectively. Click to read the letter.
The annual observances of National Marriage Week (February 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, February 14) are an opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family. The theme for 2021 is "To Have, To Hold, To Honor."
This annual observation was established by Saint Pope John Paul II in 1992 to pray for those suffering from illness and infirmity and to offer support to their caregivers. Read Pope Francis' message for the 29th World Day of the Sick.
On Sunday, October 25 we will have our RCIA Rite of Acceptance at the 9:30 AM Mass and the Rite of Acceptance for Confirmation students at the 11:30 AM Mass. Please keep the participants of these two programs in your prayers.
Join Catholic Scripture Study (CSS) as we go online to learn the amazing story of salvation history! Our introductory 8-week study begins on September 17. We will learn together with 30-minute online video lectures by Jeff Cavins, an easy-to-use workbook, color-coded Bible Timeline charts, and more!
We congratulate our newly initiated in the RCIA group who celebrated Mass and received the Sacraments of Initiation on July 17! Their desire to receive the Eucharist only grew as they were delayed in receiving the Sacraments of Initiation.
“Live the truth and beauty of God’s plan for married love!” is the theme of this year’s Natural Family Planning Awareness Week, a national educational campaign of the USCCB to celebrate God’s design for married love and the gift of life — and to raise awareness of Natural Family Planning methods.
The Supreme Court of the United States ended its session with a number of significant decisions that impact religious liberty in education, conscience in health care, stability for young immigrants brought to the United States as children, abortion regulations, and environmental protection.